White House Mocked For Tweeting About Concert Tickets While War Rages In Middle East

Critics mocked The White House after they tweeted about “junk fees” Monday while war rages in Israel.

“Junk fees can add up to hundreds of dollars for working families. President Biden continues to call on Congress to pass the Junk Fee Prevention Act to stop unfair charges by hotels, airlines, cable and internet companies, and online ticket sellers,” The White House announced. (RELATED: Historic Gaza Church Debunks Rumors Of Its Destruction, Opens Doors To Refugees)

Junk fees can add up to hundreds of dollars for working families.

President Biden continues to call on Congress to pass the Junk Fee Prevention Act to stop unfair charges by hotels, airlines, cable and internet companies, and online ticket sellers.

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) October 9, 2023

Responses to The White House’s tweet expressed concern over their priorities.

“You know there’s a Democrat in the White House when American hostages are being held captive in Gaza, over 1000 Israelis are killed by Palestinian terrorists, and the President is focused like a laser beam on concert tickets,” one user wrote.

You know there’s a Democrat in the White House when American hostages are being held captive in Gaza, over 1000 Israelis are killed by Palestinian terrorists, and the President is focused like a laser beam on concert tickets. https://t.co/L9CuCc2UoV

— Razor (@hale_razor) October 9, 2023

“It’s clearly a slow news day. I’m sure you’re not missing much,”  another user commented.

Hope you’re enjoying your afternoon off, Joe. It’s clearly a slow news day. I’m sure you’re not missing much.

— Courtney (@crystalandqueue) October 9, 2023

“Terrorists are holding Americans hostage in Gaza right now… and your priority is concert tickets?,” Christina Pushaw, Gov. DeSantis’s Rapid Response Director, chimed in.

Terrorists are holding Americans hostage in Gaza right now… and your priority is concert tickets?

— Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸 (@ChristinaPushaw) October 9, 2023

“Over 800 innocent people were murdered in Israel including Americans. Terrorists took dozens of hostages including Americans. And you’re worried right now about baggage fees?,” Chaya Raichik, the creator of Libs of TikTok, asked.

Over 800 innocent people were murdered in Israel including Americans. Terrorists took dozens of hostages including Americans. And you’re worried right now about baggage fees?

— Chaya Raichik (@ChayaRaichik10) October 9, 2023

Hamas reportedly threatened to execute on live television the hostages they took from their invasion if Israel didn’t stop air striking the area.

Hamas’ attack has resulted in at least 900 Israelis dead and more than 2,500 injured, per ABC News. President Joe Biden’s Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, said Sunday that Hamas may have killed and taken several Americans hostage.  The White House called a lid before noon Monday, sparking backlash from conservative critics.
