White House Report Card: Unprecedented double fail

September 09, 2023 08:58 AM

This week’s White House report card finds President Joe Biden at another international summit, the G20 in India, hobbled by a horrible approval rating, a public struggling to make ends meet, and a disgruntled liberal base who want somebody else to run for president on the 2024 Democratic ticket.

And now, in line with that, both of our graders, conservative analyst Jed Babbin and Democratic pollster John Zogby have done something they rarely do: Agree on a grade. And it’s an unprecedented double fail.


“From Maui to ANWR, from the border to our oil supply, pretty much nothing has been going well for the United States thanks to Old Joe,” said Babbin on his scorecard.

“This was a catastrophic week for President Joe Biden due in large part to a new CNN poll out on Wednesday. Not only is overall job approval at 39%, but 58% of those polled said that things are actually worse since he has been in office. He is pretty much tied with former President Donald Trump (who is facing 91 state and federal charges in four indictments and was held liable a second time for defamation against a NYC columnist who has charged him with rape),” added Zogby.

For a Labor Day week, it was busy, starting with Biden pitching union workers on “Bidenomics,” canceling energy contracts in Alaska, showing off his $50 million rehab of the White House Situation Room, and being slapped by a federal court for violating the First Amendment with his social media policies.

Jed Babbin

Grade: F

For an unpopular guy who has spent about 40% of his presidency on vacation, President Joe Biden has managed to do a lot of damage during the report card’s summer break. From Maui to ANWR, from the border to our oil supply, pretty much nothing has been going well for the United States, thanks to Old Joe.

First replying “no comment” to a question about the Hawaii wildfires, it seemed that Biden couldn’t do worse. With hundreds of people still missing, he managed to visit Maui and make it all about himself. He spoke about how he almost lost his Corvette — and his wife — in a small kitchen fire. Tone deaf doesn’t begin to describe his performance.

Border crossings are up to record numbers again. Biden is reportedly selling off the materials that were purchased to finish Trump’s border wall.

Biden’s war against U.S. energy independence was magnified by the Saudis who said — with a middle finger salute to Biden — that they would keep their million barrel per day production cut in place through the end of the year. So Biden canceled the last oil and gas drilling leases of federal land in the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve granted by the Trump administration.

All of this results in gasoline prices edging up to $4 a gallon again nationwide as a result of fuel scarcity magnified by #Bidenflation.

There’s always more evidence to be piled on to the mountain of corruption surrounding the Biden family. In addition to the three false names and email addresses Biden used while vice president, some are asking whether some of the money being paid to aid Ukraine is being kicked back to the Biden family.

Our national debt — the difference between tax revenue and government spending — is expected to double this year due, again, to Biden’s reckless spending. More debt, higher interest rates, more inflation.

Meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats are lining up in Congress to kill Biden’s effort to stop public school hunting and archery courses.

Many people did not buy this explanation today, did you? Karine Jean-Pierre claims it was a deliberate decision for President Biden to abuptly depart from yesterday’s Medal of Honor ceremony before its completion pic.twitter.com/3SxS6xOGbm

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) September 7, 2023

First lady Dr. Jill Biden has again come down with COVID, so Joe is going around masked up. People around the U.S. aren’t going to abide by any new federal mask mandate, far less any new call for vaccinations.

Were that all not enough, Vice President Kamala Harris says she’s ready to take over the presidency if Biden has to step down. With all Biden has done, one wonders how much worse she could be.

John Zogby

Grade: F

This was a catastrophic week for President Joe Biden due in large part to a new CNN poll out on Wednesday. Not only is overall job approval at 39%, but 58% of those polled said that things are actually worse since he has been in office.

He is pretty much tied with former President Donald Trump (who is facing 91 charges in 4 indictments and was held liable a second time for defamation against a NYC columnist who has charged him with rape).

And he is tied against two other leading contenders for the GOP nomination — Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and businessman Vivek Ramaswami. Perhaps most ominous of all is that in a head-to-head match-up against former United Nations Ambassador and former Gov. Nikki Haley, Biden trails by 6 points, 49% to 43%.

His numbers actually dropped from his showing against the first three, and Haley’s reached 49%. Her performance in the first debate shows that a modulated conservative who seeks consensus more than headlines can possibly win.

The president is trying to get control of his message of success with the economy and fighting for the right of women to choose, but the CNN poll revealed that now 73% of voters do not want him to run, including 65% of Democrats. The poll created just the sort of buzz that he just doesn’t need.


Jed Babbin is a Washington Examiner contributor and former deputy undersecretary of defense in the administration of former President George H.W. Bush. Follow him on Twitter @jedbabbin

John Zogby is the founder of the Zogby Survey and senior partner at John Zogby Strategies. His podcast with son and managing partner and pollster Jeremy Zogby can be heard here. Follow him on Twitter @ZogbyStrategies
