Wicked: Fairfax School Board Member Abrar Omeish Breaks In After Moment of Silence for Israel – Then Makes Public Statement Defending Hamas as Death Count Rises to 1,300 in Israel (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Wicked: Fairfax School Board Member Abrar Omeish Breaks In After Moment of Silence for Israel – Then Makes Public Statement Defending Hamas as Death Count Rises to 1,300 in Israel (VIDEO)

On Thursday night the Fairfax County VA Public School Board opened their public meeting with a moment of silence for the Israelis massacred last Saturday by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel.

Following the moment of silence Hamas sympathizer Abrar Omeish took four minutes to deliver a hate-filled speech against Israel.

According to End Wokeness Abrar’s father is Esam Omeish. He is the former president of a group identified as the “overt arm” of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood.

Esam also served on the board of Dar al Hijrah, a mosque with a long history of ties to terrorism finance. Omeish has also been accused of links to terrorism by a Libyan parliamentary security committee. In 2000 Esam hired Islamist leader Anwar Al-Awlaki as his mosque’s imam.

On Thursday Abrar took four minutes to attack Isreal as an apartheid state.

There are now over 1,300 dead from the Hamas Saturday attacks including children, mothers and hundreds of kids at a dance party.

Abrar supports this.

Here is the transcript.

The opening remarks include attacks on Zionism – something that the left will not tolerate in Virginia schools. And then Abrar Omeish’s remarks.

Speaker: Thank you. I wanted to take the opportunity that during tonight’s moment of silence, many of our board members would like to share our care and concern for the victims, their loved ones, and our entire Jewish community who are suffering from Saturday’s vicious terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel. We further extend our care and concern for all civilians in Israel, Gaza, and the surrounding areas who may be impacted by the ensuing war. Additionally, we wish to reaffirm that anti Semitism hate and Zionism xenophobia have no place in our schools and will not be tolerated.

Abrar Omeish: Thank you. I wasn’t expecting what seemed to be a sneak attack after we had discussed making sure we represent all children in. The ways that we speak and when we speak. So it’s disappointing that my colleagues would do that behind my back after conversations that I had with them in saying that a statement represents everybody’s views. But many are thinking about the incredible devastation and human suffering unfolding today in Israel and Palestine. And we mourn the loss of hundreds of innocent civilians killed and homes destroyed this week alone, and the thousands over the decades, all of whom should have been prevented.

It might seem simple, aggressors attacking families in a state seeking vengeance, but we often sympathize with and humanize the side that we relate to and the side that looks more like us, or that our biases guide us towards. But doing so obscures the root of the violence. Centuries of human history teach us that escalations happen when problems are ignored, realities are denied, and voices are censored. When one narrative dominates from the world. Staged all the way to our classrooms.

We do our students no favors by calling for peace and being unwilling to back what peace requires. As the old civil rights adage goes ‘No justice, no peace.’

When we are unwilling to call out the Global Human Rights organization, what global human rights organizations have called an apartheid regime of occupation that has been violating international agreements year after year and killing thousands of innocent civilians over decades, we are lying to our children when we don’t give space to hear the Palestinian narrative. We buy into a rhetoric that negates not only the humanness of Palestinians, but justifies the indiscriminate retaliation against the population.

When we show inconsistent outrage that suggests some lives matter more. When Palestinian flags are banned and many in our classrooms are allowed to hold flags for others. When we shut school events down because they include stories of Palestinian students. When humanitarian campaigns by student governments in our system for Palestinian children are shut down because principals deem them controversial. After parents complain that Palestinians are terrorists when teachers are written up for teaching the full context, warned that it might threaten their position, or are reprimanded for sharing a get to know me board with a Palestinian flag on it.

When we allow only the Occupier’s narrative to exist and teach a filtered version of history that fosters dehumanization and hatred allowing horrors to unfold in the darkness. After all, one-sidedness is what allowed the occupation to continue, and it’s what facilitated this humanitarian crisis and escalation today. Meanwhile, misinformation, often called atrocity propaganda as a phenomenon, is flying around…

Board member: I’ll let you continue, but please wrap it up…

Abrar Omeish: It up as verified by statements taken back even by the White House and The Washington Post. While many feel helpless, we can act by advancing the very mission of FCPS. And that’s education to listen to multiple perspectives, to familiarize ourselves and be truth seekers. We’re an institution dedicated to enlightening our young people. Schools are where students must gain a vast set of perspectives, where they deserve to learn complex truths that equip them for the world they will inherit.

These wicked people are now openly spewing their lies and hatred on American streets and in public meetings.

Via NOVA Campaigns and End Wokeness.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

