Will the FDA Ban Life-Saving Drugs? Stock Up Now! | The Gateway Pundit | by Promoted Post

Will the FDA Ban Life-Saving Drugs? Stock Up Now!

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The power of the big government bureaucrats at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was felt by millions of Americans during the last pandemic — and yet the Congress has quietly given the FDA even greater authority to ban life-saving drugs that don’t fit their preferred narrative.

Earlier this year, Congress snuck in a 19-line section into the 2023 omnibus appropriations bill—4,155 pages, spending $1.7 trillion— that will change the way medicine is practiced.

According to the Wall Street Journal,

“Physicians routinely prescribe drugs and employ medical devices that are approved and labeled by the Food and Drug Administration for a particular use. Yet sometimes physicians discern other beneficial uses for these technologies, which they prescribe for their patients without specific official sanction. The new legislation amends the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, or FDCA, to give the FDA the authority to ban some of these off-label uses of otherwise approved products. This unwarranted intrusion into the physician-patient relationship threatens to undermine medical innovation and patient care.”

Every patriotic American knows that he or she should be prepared in these dangerous times. From stockpiling food supplies, to loading up on ammunition, every patriotic American needs to make sure his or her family is prepared. As important as food supplies and ammunition is the need to be stockpiling critical life-saving medications.

Especially given concerns, shared by leading COVID truth tellers, like Dr. Jim Thorp, that another round of lockdowns could lead to another round of banning critical medications – especially in light of the FDA’s new authority:

The government may block access to life-saving drugs in another lockdown in the same way that they restricted access to Ivermectin in the last pandemic. Now more than ever you need to be stockpiling these medications.”

It is clear we need to act, but the question is where can we secure the critical life-saving medications?

That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

You know the Wellness Company: their courageous doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp is making clear that now is the time to act:

“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited.  Now, in the fall of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

“If you have aspirin in your medicine cabinet, you should have a Medical Emergency Kit in Your house.”

The Wellness Company’s prescription medical emergency kit contains an assortment of live-saving medications – including ivermectin and Z-pak. The medical emergency kit provides a guidebook to aid in the safe use of all of these life-saving medications.

From anthrax to tick bites to COVID and even to a bioweapon like the plague – the Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared. The Wellness Company’s telemed doctors are standing by to write your prescription today.

Rest assured knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics on hand to help keep you and your family safe from whatever the globalists throw at us next!

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit includes:

  • Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg – 28 tablets

  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets

  • Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg – 60 capsules

  • Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg – 30 tablets

  • Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg – 28 tablets

  • Ivermectin 18mg – 7 compounded capsules

  • Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg – 2 tablets

  • Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg – 6 tablets

  • 1 virtual consult for the kit prescription from a doctor you can trust

  • 1 Emergency Medication Guidebook written by our Chief Medical Board for safe use.

Don’t be caught unprepared.

Don’t be reliant on the broken and corrupt medical industrial complex.

Click here to order The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits and book your 5 minute prescription appointment today.

