Wilton Cardinal Gregory Says Biden is a ‘Cafeteria Catholic’ – “He Picks and Chooses Dimensions of the Faith to Highlight While Ignoring or Even Contradicting Other Parts” (VIDEO)

Wilton Cardinal Gregory, the Washington Archdiocese, was on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday morning to discuss the Catholic faith.

In particular, he commented on Joe Biden’s faith and tried to explain how he sees his Catholic faith.

“I would say that he’s very sincere about his faith. But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. There is a phrase that we have used in the past, a ‘cafeteria Catholic’ — you choose that which is attractive, and dismiss that which is challenging,” the Archbishop said.


Perhaps Cardinal Gregory had a point when he referred to “ignoring or even contradicting other parts.”

Biden insulted millions of Christians when he declared “Transgender Visibility Day” which falls on Easter this year.

So on the holiest day of the Christian faith, Biden was focused on transgender “dignity” than on what Easter actually is, the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

To add even more insults to Christians and Americans, Joe Biden banned Christian themed artwork for the White House Easter art contest.

A flyer for the event actually said no “overtly religious themes” allowed among other burdensome rules.

This was a contest for children which goes to show that the Biden regime will do anything to ruin a fun event.

The post Wilton Cardinal Gregory Says Biden is a ‘Cafeteria Catholic’ – “He Picks and Chooses Dimensions of the Faith to Highlight While Ignoring or Even Contradicting Other Parts” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
