With His War Mongering in Ukraine and Climate Alarmism in the Brazilian Amazon Jungle, Macron Is Still Leading a Lackluster Government, Taking a Beating at the Polls

Macron and Brazil’s Lula da Silva climate fear-mongering in the Amazon.

Globalist poster boy, French President Emmanuel Macron is doing a lot of things: on one day, he is pushing for WW3 in Ukraine, floating the idea of French boots on the ground, infuriating, as per Bloomberg, the US allies in the process.

Next day, Le Petit Roi is halfway across the planet in the Amazon jungle, along with socialist Brazilian President Lula da Silva, promising financing for his fear-mongering ‘climate change’ alarmism.

Macron is doing a lot of things, but what he is NOT doing is tackling his own country’s grave problems – and the result is that he is taking a beating in the polls ahead of June’s European Parliament elections, with Marine Le Pen’s RN party with a solid lead and what even Politico has to call ‘seemingly unstoppable momentum’.

Which Macron?

So, now, Macron is ‘turning up the heat’ on his top political lieutenants, believing his crack-whipping will get them moving in productive ways.

Politico reported:

“Macron’s game plan ahead of the EU election for tackling the National Rally’s unrelenting rise was to dramatize the fight against the far-right party, emphasizing the clash of ideologies and the Russian threat, according to several French officials. The twin aim was to beat abstention and mobilize Macron’s own voters, and also dissuade voters from turning to rival pro-European candidates such as the Socialist Raphaël Glucksmann and the ecologists.”

The strategy has failed to deliver.

National Rally, led by its current President Jordan Bardella, is polling at 30%, while Macron’s Renew coalition has 21%, with Socialist Glucksmann at 11%.

Macron had to cave repeatedly to fermers’ demands – to no political gain.

National Rally’s lead six months ago was just 5 points, meaning it has almost doubled.

“With plummeting popularity ratings and a soaring public deficit, Macron and his party have an uphill battle to claw back support. And their answer to the National Rally’s relentless rise is to punch back hard.”

The solution, ironic to the core, is that Macron’s political troops, allies of the real life Ukrainian Azov Nazis, have to resort to name-calling RN as ‘worse than Hitler’.

Failing lead candidate of Macron’s Renaissance party Valérie Hayer compared Le Pen with Edouard Daladier, who signed the 1938 Munich agreement with Hitler.

“’It’s the same words, the same arguments, the same debates. We are in Munich in 1938′, she said. ‘In some of its behaviors, the National Rally acts as a spokesperson for Moscow’, said Renew MEP Marie-Pierre Vedrenne, doubling down on the anti-RN rhetoric. ‘If we’d have listened to the National Rally, we’d have Frexit, Sputnik vaccines and we’d have supported Russia’ against Ukraine, she continued.”

Macron oversaw the historic collapse of French post-colonial power in Africa.

Meanwhile, the ‘Grandmaster of Grandstanding’ is boxing for the camera, not ruling out sending Western troops to Ukraine, and calling out Europeans not to be ‘cowards’.

Does he expect that to replace solving the urgent problems of the French population?

“Privately, Macron has turned his frustration with the campaign on his allies. Last Wednesday, he gathered several party heavyweights at the Elysée Palace, including Foreign Affairs Minister Stéphane Séjourné and campaign director Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade. According to two participants at the meeting, the president called on his troops to better defend the track record of Renew MEPs. ‘We need a wake-up call for our troops, we need to mobilize a lot more’, the president said, according to one of the participants who was granted anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue.

‘Right now, there is more commentary than mobilization, I would like that to change’, he added, according to the same participant.”

It was not for a lack of aristocratic feasts in Versailles Palace.

Less than three months to go before the European parliamentary election in June – his coalition it’s a hot mess.

“Macron is also starting to personally hit the campaign trail. Last week, he was in the port city of Marseille, trying in a working class district to sell his track record on fighting inner-city crime and drugs gangs. The French president also went to great lengths to end a rebellion by French farmers, killing off the Mercosur trade deal with South American countries and lobbying for greater restrictions on Ukrainian food imports.”

Read more:

Peter Sweden: IT’S SPREADING – Massive Farmers Protest in Germany (Video)


The post With His War Mongering in Ukraine and Climate Alarmism in the Brazilian Amazon Jungle, Macron Is Still Leading a Lackluster Government, Taking a Beating at the Polls appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
