Woman Loses All 4 Limbs To Amputation After Eating Contaminated Fish

A California woman lost all four limbs to amputation after she ate fish contaminated with a bacterial infection in late July.

Laura Barajas cooked and consumed tilapia from a local market in San Jose, which caused her to fall ill, according to KRON 4. She was hospitalized as her extremities turned black. Nearly two months later, her arms and legs were amputated.

The CDC recently issued a warning about a bacterial infection that people can get by eating raw or undercooked fish. https://t.co/tHCOBlKpQu

— KRON4 News (@kron4news) September 16, 2023

“She almost lost her life. She was on a respirator,” Anna Messina, Baraja’s friend, said. “They put her into a medically induced coma. Her fingers were black, her feet were black, her bottom lip was black. She had complete sepsis and her kidneys were failing.” (RELATED: Bacteria Infection Kills Man After Eating Raw Oysters In Texas: REPORT)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a warning about a bacterial infection caused by eating raw or uncooked fish or by exposing open wounds to coastal waters. Barajas likely contracted this infection from the tilapia she consumed, the outlet reported.

Barajas is believed to have been infected with Vibrio vulnificus, the dangerous bacteria the CDC warned about, Messina said. The microorganism is especially concerning for immunocompromised people, Disease Expert Dr. Natasha Spottiswoode said, according to the outlet.

Barajas’ family and friends anticipate the discovery of more information about the 40-year-old mother’s situation. Messina created a GoFundMe for her friend’s medical expenses, which raised over 20,000, KRON 4 reported.

“It’s just been really heavy on all of us,” Messina said. “It’s terrible. This could’ve happened to any of us.”
