Worldwide “Day of Jihad”: France Vows to EXPEL All Hamas Terror Supporters, Teacher Killed by Jihadi | The Gateway Pundit | by Richard Abelson

Worldwide “Day of Jihad”: France Vows to EXPEL All Hamas Terror Supporters, Teacher Killed by Jihadi


Hamas has called for a worldwide “Day of Jihad” today, Friday the 13th, as terror supporters throng the streets of US and European cities, preaching death and Jihad. A teacher was stabbed to death in the French town of Arras, near Calais, and two people injured. The French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that terror supporters will be “immediately expelled.”

“Pro-Palestinian demonstrations must be prohibited because they are likely to generate disturbances to the public order,” said French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, adding that any organization of such protests will lead to arrests. Darmanin  said that foreigners committing acts of anti-Semitism on French soil will be “immediately expelled.”

A teacher was murdered and two other people seriously wounded in a stabbing attack in the French town of Arras today (Friday), Israel National News reported. Witnesses said a man arrived at a local high school with a knife and shouted ‘Allahu akbar’ before stabbing multiple people. The suspect has been arrested, as has the suspect’s brother.

An Israeli employee at the Israeli embassy in Beijing, China has also been stabbed in an apparent terrorist attack.

The Israeli government issued a warning to Israeli citizens abroad to be cautious today as Hamas called for a “day of rage.”

“British and European authorities need to say no to jihad on our streets”, said host Patrick Christys on GB News. “We are not a fundamentalist Muslim continent, we never will be, Sharia law will never be for us, we do not have blasphemy laws and we will not play host to foreign historic drama and conflict spilling onto our streets.”

“Our police force needs to crack down immediately if it appears people in this country are going to answer a call by a former leader of a terrorist organisation that has just murdered Jewish babies and children. Any support for those radicals needs to be dealt with straight away,” Christys said.

NYPD and LAPD are also boosting security ahead of the so-called “Day of Jihad” .

Writing on the history of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood in 2022, Middle East Scholar Daniel Pipes noted how the terror organizations draw their inspiration for the medieval sect of the Assassins, who served as “the biggest influence on the Brotherhood’s formation,” Pipes wrote: Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna drew heavily on this legacy to create a “twentieth-century equivalent of the order of the Assassins.”

The Islamic terror groups are essentially death cults, Pipes noted, which celebrate Death as “an art,” as al-Banna wrote, “sometimes a beautiful art despite its bitterness, it might even be the most beautiful of arts if it is created by the hands of a masterful artist.”

The Muslim Brotherhood and their Palestinian branch Hamas employ “Three Deceptions” to disguise their true intentions, Pipes notes, namely 1.) a public, political front and a clandestine, military and violent “Secret Apparatus”; 2) the “franchising” of the “Brotherhood terrorism model” in spin-off organizations like Hamas and ISIS; 3.) and “infiltration” through MB agents like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib.

“The Secret Apparatus … systematically infiltrates and internally subverts political parties, militaries, intelligence agencies, media, educational systems, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, and other influential groups,” Pipes wrote.


