You Can’t Make This Up: California Town to Recognize “Animal Rights” Starting with Elephants
In Southern California, the City of Ojai has recognized ‘animal rights’ for elephants.
The City Council voted 4-1 to approve an ordinance drafted with the help of the “Nonhuman Rights Project.”
The ordinance prevents anyone from holding an elephant ‘against their will.’
The Nonhuman Rights Project said in a press release:
“It’s indisputable that elephants suffer when deprived of their freedom and that animal welfare laws can’t end their suffering,” said NhRP Director of Government Relations and Campaigns Courtney Fern. “For elephants and the nonhuman animal rights movement, we are proud to support this first-of-its-kind ordinance and we commend the Ojai City Council for standing up for what is necessary and just.”
The controversy the ordinance was addressing was a local act from the 1980s where an elephant named “Tarra” was made to rollerskate, which sounds hilarious.
The ordinance recognizes an elephants “rights to liberty” and “bodily liberty.” In sum, the ordinance prevents any elephant from being held “against their will” within the city limits.
By 1995, “Tarra” was moved to a sanctuary. Since then, Tarra has been the subject of court cases and litigation, ultimately ending up on a 750 acre preserve in Georgia with another elephant, “Bo.” The elephant’s caretaker from the 1980’s, Carol Buckley, spent 11 years in litigation to secure custody of the animal.
In her younger years, elephant Tarra was a regular performer.
For the last 28 years, the area of Ojai has been missing the enjoyment of elephants on roller stakes.
They’ll never get the privilege again as long as this ordinance stays in effect.
Tarra was unavailable for comment.
Left-wing academics are busy trying to come up with a system to allow animals the right to vote. Some even want to give plants the “right to vote.”