You Can’t Make This Up: RINO Ken Buck Admits He Only Voted Tom Emmer for House Speaker Because He Doesn’t Like Him and Wants Him to Have a Horrible Job (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

You Can’t Make This Up: RINO Ken Buck Admits He Only Voted Tom Emmer for House Speaker Because He Doesn’t Like Him and Wants Him to Have a Horrible Job (VIDEO)

Representative Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, recently appeared on CNN to explain his surprising decision to vote for Tom Emmer as Speaker of the House. Buck openly admitted to CNN’s Dana Bash that his vote was driven not by policy or ideology but rather personal animosity toward Emmer.

The CNN interview unfolded as follows:

Dana Bash: He did not vote for Congressman Jim Jordan, instead voting for Tom Emmer. Well, I guess my first question is, do you really want Tom Emmer to be Speaker?

Ken Buck: No, I don’t. I don’t like Tom Emmer. I figured this would be the worst job in America. Mike Rowe would not want to do this for his TV show.

Dana Bash: Okay, so just to underscore that you voted for somebody because you don’t like them.

Ken Buck: I voted for somebody because I wasn’t going to vote for Jim.


For the residents of Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, Ken Buck’s admission should be more than disconcerting. It should be a wakeup call. The next time Buck is up for re-election, voters should ask themselves whether they can trust a representative who treats his role with such cynicism and pettiness.

Colorado deserves representatives who vote based on principle, who understand the gravity of their decisions, and who treat their responsibilities with the respect they warrant. When a legislator plays games with something as serious as a vote for Speaker of the House, it begs the question: what else is he willing to compromise?

If conservative voters want representatives who reflect their values, they must remain vigilant. The integrity of the Republican Party—and by extension, the country—is at stake.

Ken Buck was one of the RINOs who voted against Jim Jordan for House Speaker.

  1. Rep. Don Bacon was the first to cast a vote for McCarthy.
  2. Rep. Ken Buck voted for Emmer.
  3. Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer voted for McCarthy.
  4. Rep. Anthony D’Esposito voted for Zeldin.
  5. Rep. Mario Díaz-Balart voted for Scalise.
  6. Rep. Jake Ellzey voted for Garcia.
  7. Rep. Andrew Garbarino was the second to vote for Zeldin.
  8. Rep. Carlos Giménez voted for McCarthy.
  9. Rep. Tony Gonzales voted for Scalise.
  10. Rep. Kay Granger voted for Scalise.
  11. Rep. John James voted for Cole.
  12. Rep. Mike Kelly voted for Scalise.
  13. Rep. Jennifer Kiggans voted for McCarthy.
  14. Rep. Nick LaLota voted for Zeldin
  15. Rep. Doug LaMalfa voted for McCarthy.
  16. Rep. Michael Lawler voted for McCarthy.
  17. Rep. John Rutherford voted for Scalise.
  18. Rep. Michael Simpson voted for Scalise.
  19. Rep. Victoria Spartz voted for Massie.
  20. Rep. Steve Womack voted for Scalise.

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Jim Hᴏft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.

You can email Jim Hᴏft here, and read more of Jim Hᴏft’s articles here.

