‘You Presented It!’: NBC Reporter Shrieks At GOP Rep. Jason Smith Over Hunter Biden Investigation

An NBC News reporter raised his voice to a shriek as Republican Missouri Rep. Jason Smith took questions after the House Ways and Means Committee released a 700-page report on its investigation into Hunter Biden.

The committee shared the 700 pages to back up IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler’s allegations that the Department of Justice (DOJ) gave Hunter Biden special treatment in its ongoing investigation, and to support the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in a possible influence-peddling scheme connected to Hunter’s foreign business dealings. Smith unveiled a WhatsApp message allegedly sent by Hunter on June 6, 2017, to a business associate describing the family “brand” as an asset.

The reporter asked House Ways and Means Committee chairman Smith about the timing of the investigation and the date of the WhatsApp message, at which time Biden was neither a presidential candidate nor serving as vice president.

“You’re talking about a two-tiered system of justice,” the reporter began. “If I’m not mistaken, on August 7, 2020, Bill Barr was then-attorney general and Donald Trump was the president. So, explain to me where the two-tiered of justice comes into play, and then the WhatsApp message you have I believe is dated from June 6, 2017. Joe Biden is not vice president or even a candidate for president at that time. So where is the direct connection to some sort of criminal malfeasance within these two pieces of evidence?” he asked.

“Well, I think the facts speak for themselves. There’s over 700 pages of examples of where people should be very concerned … and [Assistant U.S. Attorney of Delaware] Lesley Wolf is a career employee,” Smith said. “She was not a political appointee and she was the one obstructing the investigation. It doesn’t matter who’s in the White House, we need to make sure that the Department of Justice works for all people and doesn’t treat those who are politically connected or wealthy much differently, and unfortunately, we have several examples that came forward by the two IRS whistleblowers that proves that people are treated differently because they are politically connected.” (RELATED: Prosecutor Ignored Apparent ‘Campaign Finance Criminal Violations’ Flagged By IRS Whistleblower, Memo Shows)

The reporter then asked whether Biden is treating former President Donald Trump unfairly in his indictments. Smith responded that he was referring to evidence provided by Shapley and Ziegler, who testified before the committee and accused the Department of Justice (DOJ) of politically interfering on behalf of the Biden family.

“I would encourage everyone in this room to look at those 700 pages. If you think it’s okay — with what’s in it — then we live on two different planets,” Smith said. (RELATED: IRS Revelations: Hunter Said Joe Was In The Room In Message Threatening Chinese Partner)

“Can you explain, then, the timing of the August 6 WhatsApp message? Why is that evidence of some sort of wrongdoing?” the reporter asked.

“I’m not an expert on the timeline. I would love to have President Biden and his family to tell us about all the timelines because it’s really, really unfortunate that we see so many meetings, and so many phone calls that involved around official activity that the vice president has been participating in and then big sums of money follows later,” Smith said.

“But he was not the president or vice president at that time,” the reporter said. “So, where’s the wrongdoing? He wasn’t even a candidate for president at that time.”

“So apparently — what source are you with?” Smith asked.

“I’m with NBC.”

“So apparently, you’ll never believe us,” Smith said.

“I’m not saying I don’t believe you. I’m asking you a very direct question,” the reporter answered, audibly beginning to raise his voice. “You presented a piece of evidence that you say came on August 6, 2017, that demonstrates that Joe Biden was using political influence to help his son. He wasn’t a political figure at that time, the first WhatsApp message you put up, where you talk about the brand. I’m here — I’m completely open-minded about this. I’m asking you specifically, how does that demonstrate that there’s some sort of political influence being put over him if at that time, he is not a political — he’s not an elected official?”

“I am not going to pinpoint one item,” Smith began.

“You presented it!” the reporter said, raising his voice more. “It’s the first thing you brought up.”

“It’s not that I don’t agree with it, I’m asking you to explain!” the reporter said before Smith moved to take another question.
