Youngkin vetos more than two dozen gun laws passed by Democratic-led legislature – Washington Examiner

Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) announced on Tuesday he vetoed 30 bills relating to gun control measures that were passed by the Democratic-controlled legislature earlier this year.

Youngkin vetoed a range of gun control bills, including one measure that would have banned the sale, transfer, or purchase of an “assault firearm” after July 1, and classifying the acts misdemeanor crimes. The Virginia governor expressed concern over the constitutionality of the measure.

“The Constitution precludes the Commonwealth from prohibiting a broad category of firearms widely
embraced for lawful purposes, such as self-defense. Despite this, certain members of the General
Assembly have pursued legislation banning most contemporary semiautomatic firearms and specific
ammunition-feeding devices,” Youngkin said in a veto statement.

He called for different action to prevent “occurrences of mass shootings and crimes committed with firearms,” which Youngkin labeled as “truly heartwrenching.” The governor called for the legislature to enhance penalties for crimes with firearms and invest in behavioral health, noting that “Virginia has some of the strictest gun laws in the country.”

The other laws Youngkin vetoed ranged from banning firearms on state-owned college campuses and buildings to instituting a waiting period for firearms purchases.

The slew of bills were passed by the state House and Senate after Democrats took control of the House of Delegates following the 2023 elections.

With Youngkin attempting to pass legislation to authorize a $2 billion arena in Alexandria for the Washington Capitals and Wizards, some anticipated Youngkin may sign some Democratic-pushed bills into law in exchange for approval of the arena deal. When legislation to authorize a sports authority over the arena project stalled and was not included in the legislature’s proposed budget, it appeared those hopes were dashed.


With his action on Tuesday, Youngkin did sign four bills into law and offered amendments to six bills related to guns. The four bills he signed into law related to guns were two sets of bills that prevent parents from allowing a child who “poses a credible threat of violence” access to firearms and banning auto sears, which convert semi-automatic firearms into automatic firearms.

“I swore an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America and the Constitution of Virginia, and that absolutely includes protecting the right of law-abiding Virginians to keep and bear arms,” Youngkin said in a statement.
