Bill Maher Calls Border Issue a Disaster for Democrats, Says They Look Like ‘Sanctuary City Hypocrites’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Bill Maher Calls Border Issue a Disaster for Democrats, Says They Look Like ‘Sanctuary City Hypocrites’ (VIDEO)

Every once in a while, Bill Maher gets something right.

On his program this weekend, he was talking about the border crisis and he called it a ‘disaster’ for Democrats and said that the ‘sanctuary city hypocrites’ have been called out.

This is also a reminder that people know who is to blame for this problem.

FOX News reports:

Bill Maher calls Biden’s about-face on the border a ‘disaster for Democrats’: He’s ‘adopting’ Trump’s policy

“I feel like this is a disaster for the Democrats,” Maher began. “Trump today said he wants Biden to apologize because it looks like Biden was adopting his policy. This does not look good for the Democrats.”

He continued: “Also they look like sanctuary city hypocrites. They were the ones who said, ‘Look, we’re the compassionate people. Everybody should get a shot here.’ And then when they started sending — I mean the quotes from Eric Adams, this is the mayor of liberal New York, ‘This issue will destroy our city.’ The governor [Kathy Hochul], ‘If you’re going to leave your country, go somewhere else.’ Keep walking is from the governor of New York? They put out a flyer in New York City now, says, ‘New York is one of the most expensive cities in the world. You are better off going to a more affordable city’… I understand there’s a little ‘I told you so’ on the border.”

ABC News contributor Sarah Isgur responded by telling Maher it’s “even worse” than what he described since Democrats would accuse Texas of being “racist” for decrying the migrant crisis.

She also pointed out that there were “2 million” border crossings in 2022 and that New York City received just a fraction of that. Estimates are about 110,000 migrants.

Here’s the video:

Sending illegals to sanctuary cities has completely reshaped this issue.

