REVEALED: Woman Charged with Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Was ALSO INVOLVED in Election Night Missing Absentee Ballot Flash Drive Scandal | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

REVEALED: Woman Charged with Voter Fraud in Wisconsin Was ALSO INVOLVED in Election Night Missing Absentee Ballot Flash Drive Scandal

On Wednesday, top Wisconsin Democrat Kimberly Zapata was found guilty on ALL counts against her for illegally requesting military ballots.

Kimberly Zapata, the deputy director of the City of Milwaukee Election Commission, was fired for committing the then alleged election fraud back in 2022.

Zapata was sending out military ballots to homes in Wisconsin.

The investigation all started back In November 2022, when Wisconsin State Rep. Janel Brandtjen, then Chair of the Assembly on Campaigns and Elections, sent out an election fraud alert.

Rep. Brandtjen received three authentic military ballots to her home addressed to “Holly,” a woman who has never lived there.

Brantjen believed this was part of a scheme to steal votes in Wisconsin.

Later that week Wisconsin radio host Dan O’Donnell broke the news that Kimberly Zapata, the deputy director of the City of Milwaukee Election Commission, was fired for committing the election fraud.

Kimberly Zapata

Democrats, including Milwaukee Elections Commission Director Claire Woodall-Vogg, say Zapata was trying to prove how easy it was to request fake ballots when she committed her crime.  Democrats rushed in to defend her. They argued that this was all a conspiracy theory. Even though it worked EXACTLY like Zapata said it would.

On Wednesday, a Milwaukee County jury reached a verdict in the trial of Kimberly Zapata – and found Zapata guilty on all counts of election fraud against her.

Now this… Bad Kitty Unleashed reported on Thursday that Kimberly Zapata also played a prominent role in the very suspect Wisconsin 2020 presidential election.

Wisconsin election timeline shows the massive unexplained ballot dump for Joe Biden early in the morning on November 4, 2020 to take the state from President Trump. This ballot drop was never explained.

Via Bad Kitty Unleashed – Kimberly Zapata was also involved in the illicit transfer of a missing 120 thousand vote drive to Claire Woodall-Vogg late at night on election night.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this late night ballot drop and flash drive scandal extensively in the past.

In the early hours of November 4th in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a batch of 143,379 ballots, all for Joe Biden were dropped.

Bad Kitty discovered that Kimberly Zapata was also involved in this election night scandal.

Claire Woodall-Vogg is the Executive Director of the Election Commission of the city of Milwaukee.

We reported that Claire Woodall-Vogg was working alone late at night with the voting machines in Milwaukee.  Her actions that night were suspect at best.

On the morning of November 4th President Trump delivered an election speech to the nation.
President Trump was VERY positive with the election results has he set new records in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

In Wisconsin President Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.

President Trump warned Americans to watch out for suspicious late night ballot drops.

Then this happened…
After telling the world that they were stopping counting overnight, the Democrats suddenly dropped over 300,000 ballots in Wisconsin and Michigan.

At 3 AM Central time (an hour after President Trump’s speech) Joe Biden overcame a 4.1% Trump lead.
The media reported the next day that Wisconsin, thanks to Milwaukee, had a 89% turnout — something that is unheard of in the US.
Now we are putting together how this all happened.
The Milwaukee Elections Chief lost a flash drive on the way to the county election commission.

Via Wisconsin Right Now:

A flash drive that contained crucial absentee voter information in the 2020 presidential election was briefly lost during the early morning hours of Wednesday Nov. 4 as the world waited for Milwaukee to reveal its ballot counts.

Sources within Milwaukee County law enforcement told Wisconsin Right Now exclusively that the executive director of the Milwaukee Election Commission, Claire Woodall-Vogg, realized she had lost the flash drive when she left, with police escort, the Central Count building where ballots were tallied. She was en route to the county courthouse to report “the results of more than 169,000 absentee ballots collected in the City of Milwaukee,” the Hill previously reported.

There’s more…
Reporters actually FILMED Milwaukee Election Commission Senior Executive Claire Woodall-Vogg feeding totals into a machine in the wee hours of the morning WITHOUT any election observers!

Woodall-Vogg purposely broke all protocol by transferring numbers to a flash drive at the Milwaukee center.

More from Wisconsin Right Now:

Three days after this story first ran, Woodall-Vogg wrote a letter to the Wisconsin Election Commission in which she explained her side of what happened. In the letter, she admitted that, when she got to Milwaukee County with the flash drives, she couldn’t find one of them. She says the flash drive was sitting in a tabulator machine, a senior staff member removed the flash drive and turned it over to a Milwaukee police officer who then delivered it to her 10 minutes later. She alleges that the incident did not alter the results of the election and that the District Attorney’s office conducted an investigation to establish chain of custody.

Calls and emails for comment were also made to Mayor Tom Barrett’s office, and the Milwaukee County Election Commission. There have been no responses at all. Our sources did not want to be named for fear of retaliation, although they are in a position to know the information they imparted; such is the urgency behind the scenes over the matter. One officer reported the incident to a supervisor out of concern, we were told.

Kimberly Zapata was involved in the scandal. Zapata gave the flash drive to Woodall-Vogg that night. She was involved in the transfer.

The Gateway Pundit later posted an unearthed email that revealed the culprits behind the ‘drop’ were laughing about it.

In the email the sender, Ryan Chew, from the Election Group shared:

“Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am.  I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting.”

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

