Ron DeSantis Reacts to Trump’s Bogus Indictment in Georgia: “As President, We are Going to End the Weaponization of Federal Agencies” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that Governor Ron DeSantis has publicly declared that President Joe Biden legitimately secured his 81 million votes in the 2020 election and that Donald Trump lost.

In a press call with New England media on Tuesday, Governor Ron DeSantis refrained from commenting on the specifics of the bogus indictment in Georgia. Instead, he took the opportunity to discuss his views on crime and law enforcement alongside his vision for the country’s future if elected president.

Below is the transcript:

So, I haven’t had a chance to read it all. But I will tell you, Atlanta has huge problems with crime right now. And there has been an approach to crime which has been less than exacting. I think there have been criminals that have been let out that shouldn’t have been let out.

And so they’re now doing an inordinate amount of resources to try to shoehorn this contest over the 2020 election into a RICO statute, which was really designed to be able to go after organized crime, not necessarily to go after political activity. And so, I think it’s an example of this criminalization of politics.

I don’t think that this is something that’s good for the country. But I think a lot of Republican voters are looking at some of the things that have happened, whether it’s the Department of Justice, whether it is some of the things that have happened locally, and I think the question is, okay, ‘what are we going to do about it?’

And I’ve already said, as president, we are going to end the weaponization of federal agencies like the DOJ and FBI. We’ll have a new director. We will have new leadership in the DOJ. We’re going to make sure that there’s a single standard of justice in this country. Now, in terms of some of these local DAs: in Florida, we’ve actually suspended two — one in Tampa and one in Orlando — over the last year for failure to follow their duties and responsibilities.

And as President, we will lean in against some of these local prosecutors if they are not following the law or if they are abandoning their duty to enforce the law evenly. So I think that — I don’t know how it’s going to affect anything politically. For me, at the end of the day, it’s about ‘let’s get this country in a good direction.’ We need to have confidence in our justice system again, but before we get there, we need major, major accountability.

Twitter user Johnny Maga wrote, “Desantis on the Fulton county DA’s indictment of Trump: – No mention of Trump’s name – Says he didn’t read the indictment – Talks about himself Not the man for the moment Shouldn’t be surprising that Chris Christie just surpassed him in New Hampshire.”

In another video, DeSantis blasted Trump for attacking Governor Chris Sununu.

“I disagree with Donald Trump’s attacks on Governor Chris Sununu. I think New Hampshire is the best governed state in New England. I think Chris has done a great job up there and you can see with the fact that people flee to New Hampshire, just like people flee to Florida, whether it’s to escape crime, high taxes, you name it…,” he said.

“As Republicans, we should be supporting Republican governors — whether it’s Kim Reynolds in Iowa or Chris Sununu in New Hampshire — when they can get elected with big victories and then deliver.”

Based on the recent poll results, Trump currently holds a 41% advantage against DeSantis. DeSantis achieved a third-place ranking close to Chris Christie.

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