The New, and Dangerous, ‘Greatest Possible Threat to Our Republic’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

The New, and Dangerous, ‘Greatest Possible Threat to Our Republic’

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

The things that divide us will now overcome what unites us’

It’s that the trust in the Constitution is gone, and now an “increasing number of citizens … view violence as warranted to silence those with opposing views.”

That is, in fact, the “greatest possible threat to our Republic,” according to George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, who has not only testified on the Constitution before Congress but has represented members in court.

He cited a recent University of Virginia Center for Politics poll that delivered astounding results: “Fifty-two percent of Biden supporters say Republicans are now a threat to American life while 47 percent of Trump supporters say the same about Democrats. Among Biden supporters, 41 percent now believe violence is justified ‘to stop [Republicans] from achieving their goals.’ An almost identical percentage, 38 percent, of Trump supporters now embrace violence to stop Democrats. … Some 31 percent of Trump supporters believe that the nation should explore alternative forms of government. Roughly a quarter (24 percent) of Biden supporters also question the viability of democracy.”

The divisions are obvious these days: Joe Biden has made clear the main goals for his presidency are to promote abortion and transgenderism. He wants to make Americans dependent on foreigners with his green agenda. He’s put leftists in charge of decisions for America up and down his government.

The leading GOP candidate for 2024, Donald Trump, did just the opposite during his first term in the White House.

Not surprisingly, Biden-supporting prosecutors now are trying to put Trump in jail in a number of suspect cases, as one way to try to remove him from the 2024 race.

Turley explained, “Many now question democracy as a sustainable system of government. It represents the single greatest threat to this nation: a citizenry that has lost faith not just with our system of government but with each other.”

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